Offer Guarantee and Policy. (This covers the Monthly Subscription Program and also the Trial Offer Program Subscription.)
The Prosperity Playground Monthly Subscription Program has a recurring charge of $29 per month.
The program can be canceled at any time by the Client; however, to avoid a charge in any given month, YOU MUST EMAIL at least 48 “BUSINESS” hours before your charge occurs (or SOONER) . Payments process automatically once you sign up until canceled you cancel.. Once the recurring charge has been made, it will not be reversed or refunded.
The Prosperity Playground LIMITED FREE TRIAL OFFER and Subscription.
The Trial offer can only be taken one time regardless of what events or programs in which it is offered. Additionally, it is not offered to those currently in or who have been in the Prosperity Playground program.
This Trial Offer will automatically charge your card $29 per month at the end of the Trial unless you have emailed within the time frame noted to cancel (at least 48 BUSINESS hours before) before the first billing date and continues until canceled. Once a payment is processed there are no refunds and no exceptions.
For any program to be most effective, the Client must commit to taking an active part in the process; therefore, the results of a program are based on the effort and energy the Client puts into it, which will largely determine the outcome you experience. Therefore, there are no guarantees about the results or what someone experiences.
When Canceled
Once canceled, you will not be charged, but are responsible for whatever charges have already been incurred or any charge that was declined. To treat everyone equally, NO EXCEPTIONS ARE MADE TO OUR POLICIES.
Acceptance by Client of the foregoing.
When purchasing the monthly program or signing up for the Trial Offer, which bills after the Trial ends, you acknowledge that you have read the above in full and agree to the Policy. You Further Agree to make any payment that is declined. If declined payments or payments due that are processed because the Client fails to cancel per this Policy, are not paid any other programs will be stopped until payment(s) are received.